Hello everyone…other than the one we will be holding in SA Dec. 19th, GVMHA will be holding their last clinic Dec. 3. see below. The RIC in Vernon is Chris Ashburn. cashburn@shaw.ca

Salmon Arm will be having one last clinic on December 19th for New & Returning officials from 5pm till 9pm at the Shaw Center.  For New officials there will be a mandatory ice session on Jan 2nd from 5pm till 6:30 pm

The links to register for the Salmon Arm clinic are as follows:


NEW L1 – https://page.spordle.com/bch/clinics/1ee77650-26af-6e04-b806-062782f960ee

New L2 – https://page.spordle.com/bch/clinics/1ee77654-41c4-66aa-858f-062782f960ee

Returning Level 1 https://page.spordle.com/bch/clinics/1ee775e0-730c-618c-89f9-062782f960ee

Returning Level 2 https://page.spordle.com/bch/clinics/1ee775e6-08bd-6c80-ac6f-062782f960ee

Returning Level 3 https://page.spordle.com/bch/clinics/1ee775e8-e7d2-6f40-b1bb-062782f960ee


Anyone needing more information on the Salmon Arm clinic, please get in touch with Scott Lachapelle.